We started our flock with Suffolk, one of the most common breeds. (Read to the bottom for our more recent breeds!) Denver, our ram (male sheep), sadly died June 6, 2011. He was about 11 years old. Emmy, who was our very shy ewe, had Daisy in 2005 and she gave birth to Lily in 2007. Daisy was a twin but we sold her brother. I guess twins run strong in our family. Daisy has since given us four boys: Valentino 2/15/08, Austin 3/7/09, Mac 2/7/10 and Kody (2/8/12). In 2013 Daisy surprised us with a baby in January! We named her Kasey (because we love K names!).
Then Daisy gave birth to twins! A boy and girl, born January 24, 2014. They are extremely cute and fun to watch!
Then Daisy had boy/girl twins again: Joey and Jasmine, born January 17, 2015.
It's amazing to watch their development-they were eating alfalfa already at 1 month! But of course, still nursing as well.
(Lily had her first baby 2 days after her 2nd birthday! 3/12/09. Unfortunately, we sold Emmy and Lily in 2009)
Clover was born in 2017; died July 2024.
April was born in 2016; died in 2021.
Kasey was born in 2013; died 6-19-22.
Kasey had Savannah May 2021.
(Valentino died summer 2018; born 2008.)
Daisy had at least 10 babies over her 15 year life span. She was our oldest and sweetest ewe. Died Feb 19, 2020.
Clover had her first babies Feb 2020! Boy/girl twins, we have named Kona and Coconut (sold). Second set of twins, both girls: Sierra and Sienna, Feb 2021. (Toby - babydoll- dad). Third set of twins April 28, 2022, both boys, Washington and Reagan.
Her 1 yr old daughter, Sienna,
, had a boy 5-5-22, named Lincoln.

April had her first and only baby May 1, 2021. RamBo! He has been a bottle fed baby and is Mr. Personality!
As you can see, they are pets
and each one has a name and personality!
We shear them every spring and then they all look so young and trim. (If you have need for wool, please contact us). They eat grass hay or alfalfa, or pretty much anything green. Once a year we give them and the goats a CDT vaccine to keep them healthy. They are our noisiest critters, always begging for food or attention. They always love a good back rub. Our sheep are what we call "consumers" because the only thing they give back is entertainment!
The babies' feet are soft like rubber and will harden up as they walk around. Their fur is bumpy and not very soft. Suffolk babies are born black but will turn white like their parents. Babydoll babies are born the color they will always be...the black babydolls will fade to a brown!
We also have "Babydoll Southdown" sheep, a ewe named Trixie (2/23/13)and her baby ram named Tex (2/5/16). Tristin (2/21/13), the best little ram ever, died in 2015, due to over-eating grain. Toby joined our flock, born the same weekend as Tex! (quite suddenly and sadly, Toby died 6-15-22). February 2017, Trixie had Titus and Timon. February 2018 Trixie had boy/girl twins. January 2019, Trixie had girl twins!(sold) February 2, 2020, Trixie had Dixie!
Feb 15, 2021, Trixie had Valentino (sold to Royal T Ranch).
January 28, 2022, she had Nova, a little black baby girl, also sold to Royal T Ranch

Dixie had her first baby - a girl - named Liberty, April 27, 2022.
Savannah, Sierra and Sienna had babies Feb 2023.
This unique breed has a very different look and feel from our other sheep.
Their wool is super great for processing, but is also super thick and hard to shear!
More Babydolls, to add a new bloodline,
Destiny Hope, born Valentines Day 2023 and a new white ram, BO, born April 12, 2023.
VALAIS BLACKNOSE SHEEP are incredibly rare and have just been introduced into the US since 2018. They are from Switzerland. Valais have super curly wool, horns, and are known for their sweet demeanor.
Our latest love!! Born April 2023, we have a ram, Braxton and a wether boy, Brodie.